Monday, June 1, 2015

Off-roading the backroads of Santa Fe

Back at the painting today, I've missed it! 

Met up with my friend, and fabulous painter, Bill Rhea for a guided excursion to a perfect painting location.
This is me following Bill...

He suggested we head South about 35 minutes to Cerrillos where he has a favorite spot; it was past an almost ghost town and then down a winding dirt road and into a sort of canyon. Can you see the cars?? Look how small they are next to the rock walls! 

I think we were there about 3 hours. I forgot to get a photo of my painting on the pochade, darn it, but here it is on the ground.

Afterwards we split up for the day, I headed to a little funky town nearby called Madrid. (Pronounced Mad-rid.)

Some good art and good looking doors out there!
Lots of galleries, a terrific coffee spot called Java House (with iced coffee that has coffee ice cubes!) and little antique/junk shops. Very unexpected little enclave... With crushed glass walkways!

My biggest find however was heading back towards Santa Fe, I saw these sculptures of cranes off to the side so I flipped a u-turn, went back and discovered 'Oragami in the Garden.'
About 20 of these big sculptures of different Oragami along a self-guided walking path. My favorite were the Buffalo:
I thought they were all fantastic! The artist: Kevin Box.

Tomorrow is another painting day! It's great to have a local artist to suggest locations AND to have someone to paint with! 

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