Monday, June 14, 2010

Just spent another wonderful weekend creating art! June 12-13 was the Youth in Arts, Italian Street Painting Festival and my 13th year as a Chalk Muralist.

It was HOT! and for once I was grateful to have been placed in the 'wind-chunnel' as we call A Street in San Rafael. There are tall buildings on each side of the street and each year around 2pm it becomes a flurry of trash, wind and a lot of chalk dust. But THIS year, it was just a nice, refreshing breeze!

I have 2 fabulous nieces who are each wonderful little artists. One began 'assisting' me when she was 6 months old. This year though, the younger of the two helped for the first time. Here she is with the proof on her hands. Both of them helped me on my mural, creating lovely mottled wild flower hills in the lower corners of the mural.

I heard a lot of "wow, look at the colors" and "oh, look, an owl!" over the weekend... I am pretty happy with the piece and look forward to painting it again, in oil, in my studio.

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